Monday, September 25, 2006

Books that I have (to) read.

What I have read so far - Abridged Autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi, The Alchemist, Wings of Fire, Ignited Minds, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Tuesdays with Morrie, The Pilgrimage, Gandhi (by Nanda) [half read], Lajja (by Taslima Nasrin), The Kite Runner, Abridged Gita [beyond my comprehending abilities, so reading slowly].

Sometime soon, I wish to start on the ones suggested by Shish
  1. The Goal, Its not luck, The critical chain (Eliyahu Goldratt),
  2. Essential drucker, Managing yourself, Management challenges for the 21st century (Peter Drucker),
  3. Straight from the gut (Jack Welch)
  4. And once again (perhaps that would be the third time) Autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi
Meanwhile I found a new book...borrowed it from a friend - The Vendor of Sweets (by R.K Narayan). Fiction again. But you know this author is a great story teller, most known for his works - "Malgudi Days" and "Swami and Friends". And this guy happens to be a brother of the celebrated cartoonist, R.K Laxman (yes the same Laxman whose cartoons regularly feature in Times of India). Well, haven't yet started reading it but am feeling so excited that I have made up my mind to buy out and read up all of his works. More on him here -